SRBE2020 ends 6/2/2020
Next SRBE2022 in December,2022
Manipal, Karnataka, India
Scroll down for the rendition of photos taken during the SRBE2020 event at KAED, IIUM from 4-6th February 2020
1st International Symposium on Sustainable Rural Built Environments:
From Engagement to Impact
February 04 - 06, 2020
Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design,
International Islamic University Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
School of Architecture and Built Environment, Deakin University (Geelong, Australia) and Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), will jointly host the “1st International Symposium on Sustainable Rural Built Environments (SRBE): From Engagement To Impact”. The symposium launches Intercultural Dialogue through Design (iDiDe), established 2010 as a global student engagement platform for architecture and built environment disciplines, into the realm of socially responsible research.
The symposium is concerned with case studies, practices, research and educational research pertaining to social and cultural needs, sustainability, and community engagement in design and construction in a rural context from all parts of the world with special emphasis on translating this work from engagement into impact. The papers will be peer-reviewed prior to inclusion in the symposium proceedings. Selected paper authors will be invited to contribute book chapters to be published by IGI Global on “Sustainable Rural Built Environments: From Engagement to Impact.”
The Symposium is part of KAED, IIUM Sustainable Development Goals Flagship.
Symposium Themes
Symposium Poster

Intercultural Dialogue through Design and Built Environment Education
Rural Community Engagement in Design & Construction
Sustainable Construction for Rural Communities
Social and Cultural - Indigenous and Heritage
Rural Planning - Human Ecology

Opening, Welcoming, Keynote Speakers

Professor Ar Dr Abdul Razak Sapian
Dean, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED)
International Islamic University Malaysia.

Muhammad Nazim Abd Rahman
Deputy,Under Secretary for Strategic Planning Division,
Ministry of Rural Development
Welcoming Remarks

Professor Dr Anthony Mills
Head, School of Architecture and Environmental Design
Deakin University
Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dato Dzulkifli Abdul Razak,
Rector, International Islamic University Malaysia
4th February 2020 and
Keynote 4 on 5th February 2020

Keynote: February 5th, 2020
Symposium Day 2
Bernadine Caruana
(Education and Science) - Australian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur
Keynote: February 4th, 2020
Symposium Day 1
Dean Landy
- Director, Clarke Hopkins
- Founder, One Heart Foundation
- Recipient, Deakin University Young Alumni of the Year Award, 2017
Keynote: February 4th, 2020
Symposium Day 1
Ajith Andagere
- Director, Andagere Architects and Rural Studio
- Founder, Samarakshan.
Keynote: February 5th, 2020
Symposium Day 2
Keynote: February 6th, 2020
Symposium Day 3
Co-Chair and Co-Convenors:
Datin Ar. Associate Professor Dr Norwina Mohd Nawawi
International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
Ms Susan Ang
Deakin University, Australia
Chairman, SRBE Scientific Committee

Professor David Jones
Deakin University, Australia
Call For Papers and Participation
Authors need to register through EasyChair in order to submit abstracts and full papers.
SRBE 2020 EasyChair registration: https://easychair.org/cfp/SRBE2020
Abstracts are to be up to 300 words and should consist of a brief, but comprehensive summary of the purpose, methodology, findings, and conclusions of the manuscript. Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text. The Abstract form is found within EasyChair.
Please refer to Important Dates for deadlines.​
Important Dates
Symposium Date
4-6th February 2020
early bird registration
ending 30/1/2020
Paper Submission
Full paper submission is to follow the provided template (MS Word only).
If you have any questions about the paper template please email directly to david.jones@deakin.edu.au
When ready, please upload your paper into your EasyChair registration like you did your Abstract. The reviewers may have suggested changes to your Abstract so please action that on the EasyChair system when you upload. If the EasyChair system prevents you from uploading your paper pdf due to MB size, please compress your images in the first instance and re-save as a pdf, before attempting to re-lodge.
We will try to process paper refereeing as quickly as possible, as they are lodged, and try to get the advice and recommendations returned to you promptly irrespective of the Symposium www and EasyChair stated dates.
Letter of Invitation:
A separate formal letter of invitation from the Committee will be provided upon submission and acceptance of your paper for your use at your university and or with arranging any visa.
Keynote Speakers:
A separate formal letter of invitation will be sent by the Organisers for your necessary travel arrangement.
Symposium Registration:
Please ensure that you have registered for the Symposium at https://www.srbe2020.com/.
All Symposium and registration questions should go through the Symposium www site at https://www.srbe2020.com/
Oral/ Slides Presentation
Refer guidelines at menu
Paper Inclusion in Symposium Proceedings:
One author of the paper must be a Symposium registrant for the paper to be included in the Proceedings.
Please review your visa arrangements, and the currency of your passport, ready for you to visit Malaysia in February 2020.
Kindly make your own arrangements for accommodation in Kuala Lumpur. Refer to website https://www.srbe2020.com under MORE for suggestions.
Finally, on behalf of the Symposium Scientific Committee and the Organising Committee, we look forward to meeting, listening and engaging with you in Kuala Lumpur in February 2020!.
Yours sincerely,
Chair – SRBE Scientific Committee
LAM 6 CPD Points for those attended

Registration Fee and Mode of Payment
Academic / Professional Rates
(Includes SRBE Dinner Event)
Early Bird (until 30 January 2020)
RM960 (MYR) / $230 (USD)
Full Rate
RM1200 (MYR) / $300 (USD)
Dinner is included in full registration of SRBE. Kindly register for headcount in SRBE Dinner event after registration at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/idide-10th-year-1st-srbe-dinner-talk-registration-tickets-76857305269?ref=eios
Student / Alumni
(Excludes SRBE Dinner Event)
Payment Link
Academic/Professional Rates
Full Rate
RM600 (MYR) / $150 (USD)
1/2 refund until 9th January 2020.
No refund after 10th January 2020
Student/ Alumni Rates
Use the same link above and scroll down at Rate window for Student/Alumni Rate
Kindly email proof of payment at ididesymposium2020@gmail.com and norwina@iium.edu.my
Other Types of Payment
Daily Walk-In Fee -Non-Presenter only (available on site)
-exclude dinner RM200.00 only for a day
IIUM/ International Student studying in Malaysia / Malaysian Student Participant-Presenter (3 days)
-Exclude dinner but with the symposium kit RM400.00 (Discounted RM200) with evidence of bonafide student credentials
All Students-Non Presenter (per day) (available on site)
-no dinner, no symposium kit RM50.00 only per day
All Student - Non Presenter (3 days)
- Exclude dinner with the symposium kit RM200.00 (with evidence of bonafide student credentials)
IIUM Academic Staff Non-Presenters ( 3 days)
- Exclude dinner but with the symposium kit RM300.00
Limited on campus accommodation
Please be informed that all application for room rental can be submitted online through the link below(room subject to availability)
Power Shut Down
IIUM informed of power shut down from 25-27/1/2020. All transaction affected. Thus early bird registration extended till 30/1/2020.
Health Matters update:
There is NO alert epidemic or refuse of entry of Chinese nationals to Malaysia unless they came from China and specifically from Wuhan and Hubei District. Kindly refer to authorised channel for confirmation.
Symposium SRBE 2020 Schedule

4th February 2020 (Tuesday)
8.00 am Registration
9.00am Opening/launching
Officiate by IIUM Rector
Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Rector, International Islamic University Malaysia
Lecture Theatre 1, Level 1
12.00 pm Keynote 2
Ms Bernadine Caruana, Counsellor (Education and Science) - Australian High Commission, Kuala Lumpur
Lecture Theatre 1, Level 1
Lunch & Prayer break
2.00 pm Keynote 3
Mr Dean Landy.
Director of Clarke Hopkins Clarke /Founder of One Heart Foundation (Australia)
Lecture Theatre 1, Level 1
iDiDe Intercultural Dialogue Through Design and Built Environment Education
Lecture Theatre 1, Level 1
Rural Community Engagement in Design and Construction
Lecture Theatre 2, Level 2
5.00 End Day 1
Alumni Network Session & Dinner
5.00 -10.00pm ( SRBE full paid and paid registrant only)

5th February 2020 (Wednesday)
8.00 am Registration
9.00 am Keynote 4
Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, Rector, International Islamic University Malaysia
Chairman, Sustainability
Lecture Theatre 1, Level 1
Sustainable Construction for Rural Communities
Lecture Theatre 1, Level 1
Social and Cultural – Indigenous and Heritage
Lecture Theatre 2, Level 2
12.50 pm Keynote 1
Yg Bhg En Muhammad Nazim Abd Rahman
Deputy Head, Under Secretary for Strategic Planning Division,
Ministry of Rural Development
Lecture Theatre 2, Level 2
Lunch & Prayer Break
Keynote 5
Ar. Ajith Andagere
Director of Andagere Architects and Rural Studio/ Founder of Samrakshan India
Rural Planning – Human Ecology
Lecture Theatre 2, Level 2
5.00 pm End of Day 2

6th February 2020 (Thursday)
8.00 am Registration
9.00 am Keynote 6
Mr John-Son Oei
CEO and Co-Founder of Epic Homes
Lecture Theatre 1, Level 1
10.20 am Partnership with Industry Workshop Session.
Lecture Theatre 1, Level 1
SR1 & SR 2
12.00 pm Closing & Award Certificates
12.00 pm Summary of Symposium Report
Lecture Theatre 1, Level 1
3.00 pm End of SRBE2020.
Full Final Programme of SRBE2020 and Alumni/SRBEdinner (05/02/2020 )
The Venue

Level 1
Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design

Level 2
Cancelled due to Visa Delay.

Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED)
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Jalan Gombak
53100 Kuala Lumpur

SRBE2020 pictorial journal
where caring minds meet and discuss
Moments of the symposium taken randomly in time from 4th February to 6th February 2020.
Day 1 covers the opening officiation through the launching of the exhibition. Keynotes session and discussion, the plenary session that follows and the idide alumni network interlude with dinner afterwards.
Day 2 rises with Keynotes of the day and array of Plenary session that end scientific papers with a free evening.
Day 3 finalises the keynote that provides venture to the partnership with industry discussion opportunities.
Closing ceremony witness rewards speakers, chairman and moderators including the passing of the baton for the next hosts.